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Pathway to Success:

A Strategic Plan for Growth and Innovation


Strategic Goal #1:


Deliver life-enhancing programs focused on academics, health, and leadership in a safe place.


  • Program Quality Review: Engage front-line staff in an ongoing review of programs to determine what should be added, refined, or deleted.


  • Teen Programming: Develop 1-2 new programs focused on teens in order to bring this demographic back to the Clubs.


  • Program Alignment: Realign program offerings around Boys & Girls Clubs of America's framework of Academic Success and Achievement, Character and Leadership, and Healthy Lifestyles.

Strategic Goal #2:



Uphold and enhance our reputation as the premier youth development organization in Hudson, Marlborough, and Framingham.


  • Awareness: Develop and implement a community awareness program with a media strategy, including monthly events to enhance the reputation and visibility of the Clubs and their impact.

  • Parent Engagement: Create a forum to engage the existing parent community and look to expand parent involvement in improving the BGCMW experience.

  • Board Engagement/Ambassadorship: Develop a detailed engagement plan for the Board to help build BGCMW's reputation including looking across all constituents/potential funders and outlining the Board role, timeline, and metrics. This may include developing a special ad-hoc Board committee.

Strategic Goal #3:



Invest in relationships, programs, and a facility that secure BGCMW's standing as a destination of choice for youth in Framingham.

  • Increase Engagement with Federal, State, and City Officials: Identify key officials, e.g., Congresswomen Clark and Trahan; State Senator Spilka and State Representatives Lewis and Sousa; Mayor Sisitsky; and District 7 City Councilor Mallach. The Board will agree on an introduction and active engagement plan for each.



  • Local Outreach: Focus on outreach at six high-need schools south of Route 9 and within a one-mile radius of the Framingham Club. Secure introductions with School Principals and PTO leaders.

  • Facility: Prepare a detailed scenario analysis that quantifies the financial and timing requirements for the likely options of a new or improved Framingham Clubhouse.


Strategic Goal #4:



Advance the commitment to a diverse and engaging staff culture that prioritizes guiding, coaching, and motivating youth to be successful.


  • Enhance Training: Club Directors will work with front-line staff to develop a prioritized, engaging training plan for all BGCMW employees.



  • Cross-Club Engagement: Form at least two cross-Club teams assigned to complete a key strategic initiative (e.g. program review, alumni engagement, parent engagement, training plan, cross Club rotation schedule.



  • Staff Evaluation, Feedback, Recognition, and Rewards: Design and implement a staff evaluation mechanism that encourages regular, open feedback, alongside a recognition program.



  • Staff Connectivity: Ensure staff meetings are interactive by encouraging staff input on design and sharing leadership; establish a regular vehicle to share information and updates with all staff.

Strategic Goal #5:



Develop metrics and narratives that demonstrate BGCMW's unique value to the community, donors, youth, alumni, and their families.

  • Internal Metrics: Based on strategic plan dashboard designs, Club leadership teams agree on which metrics are most important to review on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis and develop a plan for collecting, tracking, and reporting on those metrics.



  • Organizing Around BGCA: Consider reorganizing and reporting external metrics around BGCA's framework of Academic Success and Achievement, Character and Leadership, and Healthy Lifestyles.

Strategic Goal #6:



Ensure that BGCMW has the resources, capacity, and connections to ensure a thriving, intentionally inclusive, high-quality nonprofit serving youth and the community.

  • City/State Funding: Review funds available at the City, State, and Federal levels and do an assessment of where BGCMW could seek more funds and develop a plan for soliciting those funds.


  • Source Additional Revenue to Ensure a Thriving Organization: Build a plan to increase (a minimum to cover inflation +2%) or at least maintain revenue from current sources of individual, corporate, and foundation donors and existing or new programs. This will also support a plan to include targeted costs for supporting new staff and promotion costs.


  • Transportation: Resolve the transportation issue through contracts, focused funding, and/or internal resources to ensure that all youth can safely get to and from the Clubs.


  • Board Development: Refine the structure of the Board of Directors and assign specific Board Members to execute strategic plan initiatives.

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